Put Your Medicines Up and Away and Out of Sight
About 50,000 young children end up in emergency rooms each year because they got into medicines while an adult wasn’t looking. These emergency visits can be prevented by always putting every medicine up and away and out of children’s reach and sight every time you use it.
Families take medicines and vitamins to feel well and to stay well. However, any medicine, including those you buy without a prescription, can cause harm if taken in the wrong way or by the wrong person. Practicing safe medicine storage, while at home and when on-the-go, can help keep children safe.
Put medicines up and away and out of children’s reach and sight.
Children are curious and put all sorts of things in their mouths. Even if you turn your back for less than a minute, they can quickly get into things that could hurt them.
Pick a storage place in your home that children cannot reach or see. Different families will have different places. Walk around your house and decide on the safest place to keep your medicines and vitamins.
Put medicines away every time.
This includes medicines and vitamins you use every day. Never leave medicine out on a kitchen counter or at a sick child’s bedside, even if you have to give it again in a few hours

Always relock the cap on a medicine bottle.
Make sure the safety cap is locked.
Always relock the cap on a medicine bottle. If the bottle has a locking cap that turns, twist it until you hear the click or cannot twist anymore.
Remember, even though many medicines have safety caps, children may be able to open them. Every medicine must be stored up and away and out of children’s reach and sight.
Teach your children about medicine safety.
Teach your children what medicine is and why you or a trusted adult must be the one to give it to them.
Never tell children medicine is candy to get them to take it, even if they don’t like to take their medicine.
Tell your guests about medicine safety.
Ask family members, houseguests, and other visitors to keep purses, bags, or coats that have medicine in them up and away and out of sight when they are in your home.
Be prepared in case of an emergency.
Call your poison control center at 800.222.1222 right away if you think your child might have gotten into a medicine or vitamin, even if you are not completely sure.
Program the Poison Help number into your home and cell phones so you will have it when you need it.
Take Action
Visit the Up and Away website to learn more about storing medicines safely while at home and when traveling with young children. Share these safe storage tips with family and friends.
Prescription pain medication can be addictive—Even if a doctor prescribes opioids there are still risks when taking them, including addiction and death.
In 2018, an estimated 10.3 million people age 12 or older reported having misused opioids in the previous year. Misusing prescription pain medication is unsafe and illegal—It is illegal to take a prescription medication without a doctor’s prescription.
Taking prescription medications that aren’t prescribed to you (even just one time) can land you in the hospital or even cause death. Mixing prescription medication with alcohol can be fatal—Mixing opioids with other substances can cause dangerous side effects, including breathing trouble, coma, and even permanent brain damage or death.
The Consequences of Underage Drinking and Substance Use Can Be Devastating
The consequences of underage drinking and substance use can include but are not limited to
• Injury or death from accidents
• Unintended, unwanted, and unprotected sexual activity
• Mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety disorders
• Difficulty with attention, concentration, problem-solving, learning, and memory
• Allergic reactions, breathing trouble, coma, and even permanent brain damage or death
In 2017, the Missouri General Assembly passed legislation that provides funding for local pharmacies to establish and maintain a permanent medication drop box at their location. The ADAPT Coalition is partnering with students from the Branson Go CAPS chapter to educate local pharmacies about this funding opportunity and support them throughout the application process.
The mission of Generation Rx is to educate people of all ages about the potential dangers of misusing prescription medications and the ADAPT Coalition is pleased to be able to help spread that mission. Through community trainings, partnerships with area schools, and volunteers certified to present the training, the coalition champions evidence-based educational programming, such as this, to prevent youth substance misuse!
According to nationwide statistics, 53% of misused prescription medications come from family and friends. In order to reduce youth access, the coalition partners with area agencies to provide medication lock boxes for Taney County families in order to secure both over the counter and prescription medications. To request a limited availability lock box, click the image to fill out the form.
Taney County boasts six permanent drop box locations where unused and expired medication can be dropped off anonymously 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
Branson Police Dept
110 W. Maddux St., Ste. 100, Branson, MO 65616
available 24/7/365
Hollister Police Dept
1 Gage Dr., Hollister, MO 65672
available 24/7/365
Rockaway Beach Police Dept
2762 State Hwy 176, Rockaway Beach, MO 65740
Mon-Fri, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Taney County Sheriff's Office
266 Main St., Forsyth, MO 65653
available 24/7/365
CVS Pharmacy
105 Loyd Rd., Branson, MO 65616
open Mon-Sun, 9:00 am to 10:00 pm
CoxHealth Pharmacy
525 Branson Landing Blvd., Branson, MO 65616
Mon-Fri, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Sat, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm